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Student Concerns

ECC is committed to providing an educational environment in which all members of its culturally and geographically diverse community can realise their potential. The needs of students are our highest priority, and the College will seek continuously to improve the quality of its courses and services.


We would like to hear what we have done well, and how we might improve. Give us some feedback!

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Concerns and Complaints

In the Complaints Policy and Complaints Procedures, ECC provides information on what people can do if they have a concern or complaint about our services or administrative practices, including the steps that can be taken to resolve the concern or complaint. Not all concerns become complaints; often, people just want additional information to help them understand a decision that’s been made.

In the first instance, a person should seek to resolve a concern by talking directly with the staff member who provided the product or services. If it is inappropriate or not possible to contact the person most directly involved, the person may contact the relevant senior staff member in the area concerned. All concerns will be treated promptly and courteously. If a person is not satisfied with their attempt to informally resolve their concern, they can lodge a Formal Complaint using the Formal Complaint Form.

Academic Reviews

When a student wishes to question a decision made on their academic performance, it is termed a “review”. The table below summarises the types of review students can request:

A student’s academic progression status refers to how well they are progressing through the course, academically. Students may be given an academic progression status of Green, Amber, Red or Purple by the Board of Examiners when it approves final results. If students think that the Academic Progression Status given by the Board of Examiners is incorrect, students can ask for a Formal Review of their Academic Progression Status, as outlined in the Academic Progression Procedures for Pathway students and the ELICOS Progression Procedures for ELICOS students.

Academic Progression Policy

If a student has a concern about their Admission Status, they can ask for an Informal Review with the Admissions Officer who made the initial decision on their application to ECC by emailing

Admissions Policy

At ECC we encourage students to seek feedback from their lecturer or teacher to get an understanding of the marks they have been given for an assignment, examination or final unit result. This can be done at an Informal Review meeting conducted face-to-face, online or over the phone. During an Informal Review meeting, students will have a chance to discuss results, ask questions and resolve any misunderstandings. Gaining an understanding of why they received the marks they did is a helpful tool in their learning journeys. Lecturer/teacher contact details are in the Unit Outlines and Moodle.

Students can also ask for a Formal Review of assessment, unit and course results. The process is outlined for Pathway students in the Assessment, Moderation and Examination Procedures and for ELICOS students in the ELICOS Assessment Procedures. To request a Formal Review, students need to complete the Formal Review Form. And submit it to with any relevant supporting evidence.

Assessment Policy

A student who believes that the amount of Credit awarded by ECC for prior learning is incorrect, they need to communicate with the ECC Admissions team via An academic will be asked to look at the evidence again. If the applicant is still not satisfied following this informal stage, then upon request by the student, ECC’s Academic Director will conduct a Formal Review of the RPL assessment.

Credit and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Policy

Student Appeals

If students are considering submitting a Student Appeal to the ECC Student Appeals Committee, it is essential that they familiarise themselves with the Student Appeals Policy. The Student Appeals Procedures provide detailed information about the Appeals process. An appeal to the Student Appeals Committee must be made using the Student Appeal FormAlong with the relevant form, students must include a statement addressing the specific grounds on which students are appealing and any available supporting evidence, including copies of relevant documents.

Student Support

ECC policies allow students to bring friends or family members with them to meetings with ECC staff

The Student Counsellor is available to support students through a concerns resolution process. The ECC Student Counsellor is not involved in the decision-making process for student concerns, and so can provide students with confidential, impartial support.

External Avenues for Resolution

At any time, students have the right to complain with an agency outside of ECC and ECC will actively inform students with concerns of this right. Avenues of redress for complainants include the Commonwealth OmbudsmanDepartment of Commerce Consumer Protection and the Equal Opportunity Commission.


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