SBL1100D Foundations of Business
This unit provides learners with a broad overview of the various disciplines and functions within a business and how they interrelate to create value. Key business dimensions such as structure, type, sector and purpose are explored in the local, national and international contexts. The unit also illustrates the connection between business ethics, legal and regulatory frameworks, and the responsibility of business in society.
SBL1300D Business Environments and Markets
This unit introduces students to the complex external environment in which businesses operate. The disruptive power of new technologies, rapid social change and shifting political scene are just some of the factors that influence how managers make business decisions. Students trace product and service development practices of businesses and explore new ways of connecting and engaging with customers and stakeholders at a local, national and international level.
SBL1400D Introduction to Business Analytics
The unit provides students with a basic understanding of business analytics using Excel, and exposure to various other business intelligence systems and tools. It aims to provide students with an early appreciation of the fundamentals of using analytic skills to enhance reasoning in business decision-making across various business disciplines, and to solve complex problems through anticipating change and managing risk factors.
SBL1200D Accounting and Finance Essentials
Accounting and Finance Essentials is an introductory unit designed to help students understand, prepare and use financial information. Gaining an understanding of the foundations of accounting and finance elements will assist future graduates to make business decisions within diverse organisational settings. Students also develop effective problem solving and critical thinking skills to interpret and analyse financial performance of an organisation.
ECF1110D Economics
This unit’s main focus is ‘economic literacy’: being able to recognise, understand and apply the economic principles which give us insight into personal, corporate and government behaviour. Its secondary focus is to introduce techniques which economists use to help them think logically about problems and their solutions. This unit provides students with an ‘economic toolkit’ which will be useful in many situations in the future. The unit also emphasises the application of economic concepts to the current climate in Australia and internationally.
ECF1120D Finance
This unit focuses on theory and practical fundamentals of finance. It introduces evaluation models used by financiers to evaluate assets/investments. It also covers basic principles of time value of money, calculating repayments on loan/mortgages, valuing bonds and shares, and their role in the firm and the marketplace.
Pre-Requisite Units: None
Tuition Pattern: Weekly 3hr Class
Credits: 15