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Get Your Voice Heard


At ECC, we aim to provide you with a challenging educational environment, where you can realise your potential in a culturally and geographically diverse community. Your student needs are our highest priority, and we will seek to continuously improve the quality of the courses and services we provide to you.

We are committed to making your ECC experience as positive and problem free as possible and to do so, we rely on your honest feedback. If you receive excellent support or assistance from a staff member, we would love to hear about it so we can acknowledge these efforts.

Student surveys

ECC values hearing from students about their educational experience at the College and asks students to participate in several student surveys.

ECC students are invited to provide feedback on learning and teaching through ECC-run surveys. These are conducted every study period in Pathway Courses and five times annually for ELICOS. This feedback is reported to the Academic Council, the College’s primary academic governance body, at each meeting.

ECC graduates are also asked to participate in the Navitas Graduate Outcomes Survey once they have graduated from their ECC course. ECC is a joint venture partnership between Navitas and Edith Cowan University.

External to the College, ECC Students are invited to participate in the Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT) Social Experience Survey (SES) once annually. The SES is the largest survey of current higher education students in Australia. It explores students’ experience with key aspects of teaching and learning.

Student Representatives to the Academic Council

The Academic Council acts as one of the primary quality assurance mechanisms for ECC’s programs and courses. Composed of senior academics from ECC and Edith Cowan University, the Academic Council meets three times a year.

ECC has two Student Representatives on the Academic Council, who act as proxies to one another (one person attends each meeting). If you wish to learn more about becoming a Student Representative on ECC’s Academic Council, email the Quality and Compliance Manager to express your interest.

Student Forums

ECC holds several Student Forums each year to gather feedback from students. Sometimes, the Learning and Teaching Committee or the Academic Council send topics to the Student Forum to gain an understanding of the student perspective. Information about Student Forums is provided via ECC student emails and social media platforms.


ECC ensures that all concerns you have, including complaints, are addressed fairly, promptly and at the most appropriate level within the College.

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