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Access and Inclusion

Whether you have a disability or you’re caring for someone with one, access a range of support services to help you succeed.

Access and Inclusion

We’re committed to creating an environment of safety, dignity and respect

ECC provides a free, confidential service to support participation and success in study for students who live with a permanent or temporary disability, medical condition, mental health condition, or who are the primary carer for a family member with a disability or medical condition.

We support students with neurodivergence and those impacted by other circumstances, including cultural or religious practices and family and domestic violence.

We can help with:

  • Identifying and implementing academic adjustments via a Learning Access Plan (LAP);
  • Liaison with academic staff about any potential barriers you may face and any reasonable adjustments that may be required; and
  • Alternative assessment and examination conditions.

Reasonable Adjustment

We recognise the diversity of the general, psychosocial, wellbeing and learning needs of our students. The College is committed to giving students every opportunity to progress and flourish and will provide reasonable adjustment to decrease any obstacles that may exist.

We acknowledge the right to privacy and confidentiality and encourage an awareness of the needs and rights of people with disabilities, psychosocial or other demonstrable factors that may impact on their health, safety or wellbeing in accessing an equitable learning environment. Students and staff with disabilities or other needs are afforded equitable access and practical support to participate fully in the life of the College.

Learning Access Plan

A Learning Access Plan (LAP) is developed in partnership with the Student Counsellor. Your plan is tailored to you, supports your needs and establishes how ECU can provide assistance for you to access and participate in your studies.

Your LAP will outline reasonable adjustments that you require to undertake your studies, based on the evidence you provide as well as your report of how your disability impacts you. The LAP also provides an opportunity for you to share information about your disability or circumstances with academic staff, should you wish.

What can I expect when I have an appointment with the Student Counsellor?

You will need to supply documentation to support your circumstances, which could include a Health Professional Report completed by your treating health practitioner detailing the nature of the disability or medical condition, its impact on your studies and any recommended adjustments that will minimise the impact on your studies.

We can also accept other forms of documentation depending on your circumstances and are happy to discuss this with you at your first appointment.

An individual Learning Access Plan will then be developed, documenting appropriate reasonable adjustments based on the Health Professional’s Report, your own views, the requirements of the course and the responsibilities of all parties in implementing those adjustments.

Maintaining your LAP

The LAP will be distributed to your Unit Coordinators upon development, and then at the beginning of each teaching period for the duration of the plan. You will also receive a copy which can be used to request accommodations or support discussions with academic staff. The duration of a LAP will depend on your circumstances and the documentation provided. If you have a permanent or ongoing disability, your LAP will be valid for the duration of your course, unless:

  • your needs change
  • you change your course of study, or
  • you change your name

It is important to inform the Student Counsellor if your circumstances change. Your LAP can be reviewed and updated at any stage during your studies via a follow up appointment. Please note, additional documentation may be required to verify changed or new circumstances.

Roles and Responsibilities

It is important that you take ownership of your Learning Access Plan and are aware of your responsibilities:

  • you should proactively engage with the Student Counsellor to advise of any changes to your needs or circumstances, including a change of course.
  • your plan will clearly outline the relevant processes to request accommodations; it is important that you follow the correct processes and maintain communication with teaching staff and/or the Student Counsellor as needed. Failure to request support may result in your accommodations not being implemented.
  • although your LAP is distributed to Unit Coordinators and relevant lecturers/teachers, when discussing or requesting accommodations you should always remind them that you have a LAP in place and attach a copy with any email correspondence.
  • if you need to discuss or review your LAP, it is your responsibility to contact the Student Counsellor to make an appointment to review your plan.
  • if you feel that your adjustments are not being implemented after consulting with relevant staff, please contact the Student Counsellor urgently to address these concerns.

Do I have to disclose my personal information?

It is your decision about whether you disclose personal information; however, documentation is required to develop a LAP and any personal information provided will help us to identify the support you need. If you do decide to disclose personal information to the college, your information will remain confidential. Details about your disability or medical condition are not passed on to any other ECU staff without your permission unless there are potential occupational health and safety issues.

ECC’s Privacy Policy sets out the parameters for collecting, using, disclosing, accessing and managing personal information.

ECU Access and Inclusion

Edith Cowan University Access and Inclusion services are available to all eligible students upon progression to the university.

For more information see: ECU Access and Inclusion services and resources.

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